Relationships from far apart

In addition to creating opportunities to give and to receive support, as well as to feel validated and to have a sense of belonging, relationships typically involve affiliative touch. Affiliative touch promotes the release of the social-bonding hormone oxytocin and dampens cardiovascular and endocrine responses to stress (for recent, illustrative reviews, see Jablonski, 2020; Sharma et al., 2020; and Walker et al., 2017).

Affiliative touch likely would be scant or absent in a long-distance relationship.  Does such a relationship nonetheless offer benefits?

Beginning with the stressors faced by medical trainees and the commonness of their being geographically separated from a romantic partner, Guldner (2001) reviews challenges and benefits of maintaining long-distance relationships, as well as strategies for doing so [Goldsmith and Byers (2020) offer additional strategies]. Guldner highlights the reduction in stress that comes as a benefit of the emotional intimacy associated with any healthy romantic relationship. The author also mentions that college students in long-distance relationships tend to get more sleep and have more free time than their peers in more traditional relationships. The physiological toll of insufficient sleep -- from fatigue and mood impairment to cardiovascular and metabolic disease -- is gaining clarity (for example, see review by Grandner, 2020). Thus, although presenting challenges due to geographical separation, long-distance relationships carry some unexpected benefits. 

. . . . . . . .  these soft 

nights hold me like themselves aloft

and I lie without a lover.

Summer, 1909

~Ranier Maria Rilke (1975)

Works Cited

Goldmsith, K., & Byers, E.S. (2020) Maintaining long-distance relationships: comparison to geographically close relationships. Sexual and Relationship Therapy 35: 338-361.

Grandner, M.A. (2020) Sleep, health, and society.  Sleep Medicine Clinics 15: 319-340.

Guldner, G.T. (2001). Long-distance relationships and emergency medicine residency. Annals of Emergency Medicine 37 (1): 103-106.

Jablonski, N.G. (2020) Social and affective touch in primates and its role of skin in the evolution of social cohesion. Neuroscience, in press.

Rilke, R.M. (1975) Rilke on Love and Other Difficulties. Translated by John J. L. Mood, W.W. Norton & Company.

Sharma, S.R., Gonda, X., Dome, P., & Tarazi, F.I. (2020) What's love got to do with it: Role of oxytocin in trauma, attachment and resilience. Pharmacology & Therapeutics 214: 107602.

Walker, S.C., Trotter, P.D., Swaney, W.T., Marshall, A., McGlone, F.P. (2017) C-tactile afferents: Cutaneous mediators of oxytocin release during affiliative tactile interactions? Neuropeptides 64: 27-38.

Relationships from far apart